Unholy Spirits Light Divine (2022)


1.  "Lift Up Thy Chalice for a Thousand Tongues Exalt the Night " 04:26

2.  "The Stars Proclaim, We Are the Kin of the Dragon" 02:26

3.  "Come, Let Us Join in Cheerful Hunt" 01:42

4. "From the Depths of Woe, We Call Out to the Coffins" 03:55

5. "A Dirge of Cruel Shadows upon the Midnight Air" 04:13

6. "Alas! Miasma Shrouds and Carrion Winds " 09:07

7. "Moon-Thirst, Solemn and Majestic" 02:07

8. "Love Divine, an Immortal Prison of Grief" 1:24


'The soundtrack to Dracula's resurrection!'
- Countess Ophelia Von Seggrern (Feral Goat)

'30-minutes of sonic vampirism'
- Lord Inkogunyto (Decapitated Slime)

'Oh, what pleasures await the unsuspecting listener!'
- Grandvizir Metuzuh (Al-Malik al-Aswad)


Music Cassette:

Unholy Spirits Light Divine was released as a music cassette by Hyperbeast Records in a highly exclusive limited edition of 50 individually numbered tapes. The cassettes, which come in transparent blood-red. Each j-card boasts a handwritten download code for your convenience, and to further facilitate accessibility, the album is presented on both sides of the tape. The tape is sold out and only available through our partners or second hand traders.


Liner Notes:

Behold the great dragon dwelling in the mountain lands beyond Mecca. Scourge of the Ottomans. Despot of Wallachia. Hero to Romania. There in his gardens he feasts. Child of fertile soils and raging seas! As an act in the forgotten art of devotion, tonight we raise our glasses in thy name. Death to the world! For they must know fear. Men, women and children, the young and old alike, must savour death to know the divine. Their fear is a temple that has been prepared for us. For we are their priests. We know that only through the fears of death will thy be ready to receive their true glory, power and strength. So may the sky collapse and the earth devour them! The night is still young, pour forth the wine from thy gardens. The place upon which a thousand gods have entered death and immortality. Open the mouths of Set and summon forth the children of the night. For what beautiful music they play. Fling open thy gates and command thy armies to assail the living day and night until all life tastes destruction. Give the call! Order the Gates of Hell to crumble and for Iblis, Shaitan and all the demons of the pit to be unleashed. Torment them with pestilence and feebleness. Make haste! Call upon Abraxas and his angelic legions to work evil upon the bodies of men and poison their souls. So that all good things will turn against them, that their joy will turn to sorrow and their life will turn to death. Plague their body, mind and spirit, to deliver their bodies into the grave and their souls into the outer darkness. Come and don't delay. Let us go out for pleasure! For such is our command, Eternal.


New York Promo (by @718TV):


Album Supplement:

Well, as an extra treat, we decided to include a small pamphlet as an album supplement. This precious little gem contained a modern translation of a medieval poem all about the infamous Dracula himself, Vlad III. Now, here's where things took an unexpected turn down the cobwebbed corridors of comedy. In our quest for historical accuracy, we thought it would be a stroke of genius to print the pamphlet in a font that was appropriately medieval - a font straight out of the ancient Germanic manuscripts. Oh, how little did we know what chaos would ensue! It turns out that our enthusiasm for authenticity led us astray, as this "appropriate" old German font turned out to be a bit too authentic for its own good. The result? A legibility level that even the keenest of vampire bats would struggle with! Only a select few, possessing the ancient knowledge of deciphering such cryptic lettering, were able to fully appreciate the hidden secrets within. So, as a gesture of our unwavering gratitude, we are thrilled to offer you the entire text of the medieval poem in comfortable fonts, safely delivered to the sanctuary of your computer screens.



Dracula - Voivod of Wallachia (by Michael Beheim 1463)

The worst despot and tyrant that I know on all this earth under the wide vault of heaven, since the world began; no-one was ever so despicable. I want to tell you about him. He was Dracula, called voievod. This very land of Wallachia was under his control. Here his father had also been lord. A powerful ruler was he, over wide expanses. His father also exercised authority with wantonness and impropriety. Thus, he was beheaded so that his violent dominion might end. The person who did it was the father of King Matthias of Hungary. John Hunyadi was his name, the governor of Hungary who had the ruler executed. The dead man’s son was also called Dracula— and his brother with him. They had bowed down to idols, to whom they offered homage, as with a single voice. These they then abjured, denied and forswore, by claiming to protect and maintain the Christian faith. The year, as men write and reckon it, after the birth of Christ, was 1400 and fifty-six. Then this same Dracula was chosen and selected to be ruler and lord of all Wallachia and thereabouts: inside and out— both near and far. From then on in this land, he perpetrated every kind of wantonness, vice and dishonor that one might imagine. The first thing he did was to murder the ruler, voievod Ladislaus, by virtue of a nasty intrigue. This same Ladislaus had also been ruler and lord in Wallachia.


Dracula brought about his death disgracefully, shamefully and sorrowfully. Thereafter, he rushed to burn to ashes a region and a whole land. These he destroyed and laid waste— whole villages, even the marketplaces. I will tell you a little of this: Kastenholz was the name of one; the second bore the name of Neudorf; the third was called Holzmaina. All knowing them, praise them. Also, Beckendorf in Burzenland he had burned to the ground, with all its men and women and all its children, large and small. Whoever was in that place, he spared not a one. Any survivors of this arson he put into chains, leading them away with him— whether these be men, women, or children. He took them away to Wallachia and had them all placed in a row and impaled— and executed. Peace and quiet he maintained not at all. At his command, merchants and wagoners of no small number were impaled. Many young boys from various regions and places were sent to Wallachia so that they might learn the Wallachian tongue. These Dracula immediately had gathered together— 400 or more. Bringing each the agonies of death. This vile tyrant! He had them all burned to death, stating: “I cannot tolerate it, should they gain knowledge here and come to know my homeland.” He ruled cruelly. One large clan he had burned out and annihilated. He impaled them, robbing them of their lives— old and young, tall, small, man and woman, from the least to the most important, all of them, from wherever they came: brothers and sisters— even children; nephews and nieces, wherever they might be found. The number was great. Also, he ordered that some captives be stripped naked and placed nude in the earth and buried up to their navels. Next, he commanded that sharp arrows be shot at them. This is true and no fictitious account! He didn’t stop torturing them until they gave up the ghost. Then, many of them, en masse, were roasted and flayed. He took prisoner a man named Dan and had him conduct his prayers and ministrations. When his wishes had been accomplished, and carried out, according to desire, the wicked and cunning one had a grave dug, ordering that Dan be led to the hole and then decapitated. Dracula did many a vile thing. Ambassadors came to him from Hungary, and the land of the Saxons— also from Siebenbürgen— 500 in all. He held them for five weeks, during which they believed that this devil might impale or strangle them. They harbored great dread because he had had stakes placed in front of their lodgings, right before the entrance door— set up there by the accursed one. Long did he keep them, imprisoned and under duress, because he feared they would betray him. One night he hurried, departing in haste, with all his men to go to Burzenland. One morning, early, so I am told, this monster invaded villages, fortifications and cities. Everything that he had thus taken by surprise he had put to the flame— including storehouses of grain. Whatever he found, he had set on fire, destroyed, laid waste, and sundered. Men, women and children: everyone he had put to death. Whatever he put his hands on suffered distress. No one emerged alive there. Outside the city of Kronstadt, near the chapel of Saint Jacob, Dracula wrought slaughter. He gave orders to torch the suburb. Any person found there— whoever might cross his path, be it men, women, and children, young and old, big and small— he took them all, wherever he might find them. One morning, early, he hurried with his captives to the mountain above the church and had them impaled, each and every one, in a circle around the mountain— some lengthwise and some at a slant. Listen to the misdeeds of this despicable man! He sat down to eat in the midst. He ate his meal at the table, filled with glee. It was his bliss to witness the dripping blood of the dying. He had the custom of washing his hands in blood when his dinner table was brought to him. Whenever he dined, if he wished for merry and ever new amusements and wanted to be happy, then it had to be done thus; that at mealtime. Miserable victims were paraded by, who, when tortured, screamed loudly. This was his joy and delight. “Harken to pleasant entertainments and delicious delights!” Thus, spake this wicked man. These miserable ones were cast down. Some had teeth bashed out; some had fingers lopped off; and others lost limbs. This faithless fellow had ears, mouth and noses cut off and hair ripped away to the scalp. Some hung on a pole; others had their cheeks burned through. Mercy was nowhere to be found. Punishment was there in every shape and form— whatever might bring woe, as long as the victims screamed loud and long and there was a variety of pain. If a person had so long suffered such pain and torture, that he was numb to pain, and no longer could cry out, then Dracula pulled out his saber and lopped off his head— or choked him straight away. Whether these be women, men or children, he did this often, whenever he sought diversion, joy, or fun. In Kronstadt he even burned down St. Bartholomew’s Church, taking all its habiliments, monstrance, chalice, and vestments for the Holy Mass with him. Everything, whatever he had been able to find. He had one of his headmen sent into a village to wipe it out, then set it ablaze. Listen to this about the treacherous scoundrel! The selfsame village was called Zeiden. Due to attempts at defense and resistance in this village of Zeiden, Dracula’s headman came to him, saying: “Gladly will I carry out your orders, but I can’t complete the task, my lord, according to your instructions. The inhabitants are so wicked, and have such strong fortifications, that they are too much for us.” Immediately, Dracula seized this man and had him impaled in gruesome fashion, thus letting him perish for what he had left undone. He had failed to do it; that is why he had to die. Merchants were there with their wares, in Burzenland by the Danube near Brăila— so I am told. There were to my knowledge 600 of them. All these he commanded be impaled, then confiscated their possessions and goods. He ordered, made to measure, a very large cauldron which could be heated. It had two handles. On top was a lid made of planks. This vessel brought many a person to distress— and to great grief. The lid on the cauldron was covered with vents, so that a person might stick his head through them. Then the monster had a large fire made under it, had the pot heated, had water poured into it and had these persons boiled therein. To boot, he had men, women, and children impaled. Again he went with vile feelings of hostility to Tălmaciu in Siebenbürgen. There he ordered many people cut up into small pieces, like cabbage. He took many captives home with him. Listen as I tell you of his abominations! Both men and women, children large and small, young and old, he had them impaled at once— had everyone killed. This despot and tyrant brought forth all the torments that one might imagine. Of all the tyrants, none was his equal as a cause of harm: Herod, Diocletian, Nero— not anyone you might name! Some people he ordered wounded, then had their wounds rubbed with salt. Others he had roasted in hot lard. Many came to know much torment there! Some were roasted, burned through; some were broiled; some skinned; and still others were hanged. Some were ground on a sharpening wheel; still others got lowered into latrines. Some, nude, got hanged by the hair; others he directed to be suspended on iron chains. Those who had been struck in their eyes, noses and mouths and in their private places he commanded to be hanged. He also had stones thrown at them until they perished. For some people, he commanded that drills bore out their eyes, and nails be shoved through their ears. This evil shedder-of-blood! No safety or security was found there. Some were disemboweled and had their throats riven. Dogs, too, were put to use. If incited to attack humans, they immediately bit them to death. For some, he commanded that nails penetrate the body on all sides. Others had their skulls beaten in with bludgeons, clubs, and flails. Some were fastened to wild steeds that were allowed to race through the streets. Others were hitched to wagons, and let roll downhill. There was nothing to prevent their necks from being broken. Some, he hurled from catapults, putting others in canons, from which he then ordered that they be shot. So much did they have to endure!


And some he commanded to be hurled from high towers into deep water and wells. He chopped off feet and hands, too, leaving these people to lie there until they began to die. Some he beat to pieces. He seized suckling children a half year old or more, whom the mothers pressed to their breasts, arms clasped lovingly around. With their little arms, the children clung fast to their mothers. He had them impaled, too: mothers, with children in diapers. The women’s breasts he ordered be cut off of them; the little nursing children had their heads pushed through. Them, too, he had impaled. He took the children from their mothers, then gave the order to roast them. Next, the mothers had to eat them. Then, he cut off their breasts, which were roasted, too, and their husbands were forced to eat them. Then, he had them impaled swiftly. Some, he let die of trampling; others, he had pressed, squeezed to death. All sorts of people— men, women, children, old, young, big and little— he had impaled from side to side. Hands and feet seemed, in virtue of their twisting and thrashing, as if of frogs or pollywogs. He spoke: “Amazing! How adroitly they move, with great dexterity!” Next, he had impaled, too, their hands and feet— uncountable ones. There were— I swear to you— all kinds of people: Christians, Rascians, Wallachians, Jews, heathens, Gypsies, too. What did he do after this? Listen to some strange things! He had a Gypsy seized who had committed a robbery. When it became known, there arrived others of his comrades, the Gypsies, and begged Dracula that he might release the prisoner to them. Dracula said: “That is impossible. He is to hang. This is his reward. Let no man counter my order!” They replied: “Lord, hanging is not our custom. If one steals something, that should not be regarded with contempt. We have a sealed missive from Holy Roman Emperors, an extensive one, to the effect that we are not to be hanged.” Take note of what Dracula did! He said not much nor made pronouncements. Pay heed to his strange machinations! This Gypsy he ordered to be boiled in a cauldron. The other Gypsies he bade all to come hither. They were compelled to eat him all up— flesh, as well as bones. Now listen, what else he did! An honorable and upright man came to his court. He found him out there by those whom he had impaled. Dracula went among the victims and beheld them, as was his habit. Large and multifold were their number— as many as a great forest— since many a person was hanging there. In his most pleasant manner, the same man began to speak to Dracula, asking why he was walking around amidst all this stench. Dracula had this man hanged, too, on a stake and thanked him for his wise counsel. He had him hanged especially high, where the evil stench and smell would not be able to reach him. Once a priest came to Dracula and delivered a sermon. Sins would not be forgiven unless one returned unjustly acquired goods taken from other persons without measure. Dracula walked with the priest, then invited him to dine. At the meal, while they were sitting at the table, this debauched and devilish man broke crumbs into his food. The clergyman now and then took morsels of Dracula’s food with his spoon and began to eat them. Dracula then said: “Now, tell me: did you not preach here that sins will only be forgiven if one leave to the rightful owner that which is coming to him?” The priest answered: “Indeed, that is my religious instruction in such matters.” Dracula retorted: “Why, then, did you take crumbs from me that I had broken here on the table? This will bring you no good.” He then took the poor priest and had him impaled as soon as he could. Too, the depraved villain invited all the territorial lords and all the noblemen in his land to his abode. When the banquet was at an end, his guests he began to query, asking the eldest man if he could estimate how many rulers he had known and how many lords this same land had had to hold control over it. This man answered as best he could. He began to tell, as did all the others. Old and young, each separately, Dracula asked the same question of those gathered there: “How many such lords they could recall, who then became rulers?” This they answered, one after the other, as many as each could think of. One remembered thirty and another thought of twenty. No one was so young that he could only recall seven rulers. When this question was fully answered, Dracula said: “Tell me, how is it that you have had so many rulers and lords in your domain? The cause for this disgrace must be your shameful defiance!” He treated them all the same, seizing all of them, young and old, and violently impaling them. Their number was about 500. Dracula had a concubine who claimed that she was with child. Dracula had her examined within a short time by another woman. This one confirmed the story that the concubine had told. Dracula then took his mistress and had her ripped open, fully, from the vulva upwards, saying that he wished to observe his fruit, as well as his noble offspring’s positioning— where it lay in the mother. After the birth of Christ, people record the year as 1460. On St. Bartholomew’s Day, Dracula and his retinue went through the forest early one morning. All the Wallachians, young and old, large and small: both sexes he attacked. He followed a circuitous course halfway through Amlaș. The people he could get hold of, he quickly brought together and murdered them. Using crampons, hooks, and pitchforks, Dracula’s men herded the people together and hacked them up in tiny pieces, like cabbage, with knives, swords and sabers. Those he himself did not slay there, he had transported home, where they were impaled in gruesome fashion. All the villages he burned to the ground, including the goods and assets therein. You should truly know this! The number of these people amounted to much more than 30,000— both young and old. The year, as they reckon it, was 1462. Then Dracula came to Nikopolis the Great, where he murdered people about 25,000 Christians and heathens of all sorts. There was so much grief and wailing that anyone would have trembled from horror. Among these were the most beautiful women that anyone had ever seen. They had been kept by courtiers who entreated Dracula that he not have the women murdered, but allow them to become their lawful wives. Dracula would have none of this. Both women and courtiers he had minced like cabbage. Dracula, as head of a tributary land, paid tribute to the Turkish Sultan. For that reason, the Sultan sent an emissary, as well as some counselors and Turks. They came to Dracula, demanding of him their lord’s delayed tribute. Dracula stated: “I wish to make the payment personally. This seems right to me.” When the Turks learned that Dracula himself would go to the Sultan, everyone was overjoyed. But Dracula had them brought to him, then put on a sharpening wheel, painfully tormenting and torturing them— then slew them all. The Turkish secretary had his nose and mouth cut and snipped; then he was sent home. The whole region and environs, called Bulgaria, were set ablaze. The men that he slew there, they estimate, calculate and judge, at around 25,000— not counting those consumed in fire. This perfidious monster caused terrible havoc. One territory and a whole land had the name Făgăraș. He ordered a general massacre there. Old and young, men and women. All he had killed and impaled. Envoys from Siebenbügen saw in Wallachia people arranged in a row, whom he had had impaled and strangled. They hung, without number, on poles as in a vast forest. There were numberless people that he skinned, boiled, roasted, violated tortured, drowned, stoned— these and many other sorts of deaths. Now, listen, how things went! Certain of his counselors, those he trusted most when dealing with confidential matters, had helped him conceal all his objects of value and precious possessions. He decapitated them with his own hands so that his treasure would not be disclosed or revealed as to its hiding place He did many worse things— this despot and sinful villain— causing everyone great dread. He had some compatriots decapitated, taking the heads, which he used to lure crayfish. Afterwards, the scoundrel invited friends of the deceased to dine. Listen, there are still more indignities and evil things that this villainous person, tyrant, and evil despot committed! I will sing to you about them. These crayfish the treacherous fellow gave to guests to eat, then saying: “You have tasted and eaten the heads of your friends.” After he had told them that, he had them impaled. In his country, he saw a peasant working with a short shirt on and spoke: “Please inform me. Do you have a wife?” “Yes, my lord.” Dracula said: “Well, bring her to me, then!” The peasant presented his wife. Dracula, then interrogated her: “Tell me: which tasks do you perform?” She said: “Lord, now I’ll tell you. I cook, weave, wash and bake.” He had her impaled at once because she dressed her husband so neglectfully. She had not made for him a shirt long enough so that others would not see his undergarments. By so doing, Dracula freed the peasant from this wife. Now presenting him with another woman to wed. Dracula claimed: “It is shameful when a man must wear a shirt that is too short. Make him a longer one, or I will impale you in short order!” Two monks of Saint Bernard who were wearing wooden clogs came to Dracula. Alms they desired of him and made their request of one accord. Dracula said to them: “How is it that you are so poverty-stricken?” They answered: “My lord, eternal life we hope to attain with our way of living.” Thereupon, he asked of the two brothers: “Don’t you desire to get to heaven soon?” They said: “Your worship, yes! We wished that we were already there— if this be the Lord God’s will!” He said: “I will help you quickly get to heaven.” Promptly, he had them impaled, saying: “I did it for honorable reasons. My assistance can only profit them.” These same two good brothers had left their donkey standing there in Dracula’s courtyard, where their sustenance and whatever God had bestowed upon them was to be found. This beast went into the castle, braying loudly. Dracula said: “See what might be causing such a racket!” His servants said: “These two monks left behind a jackass; it is making all this noise.” He responded: “No doubt, it also would gladly go to heaven with its masters! Perhaps I need to help it come to them as quickly as possible.” Dracula then took the donkey and had it impaled forthwith— close by the brother monks. Dracula came into Wallachia, riding from Serbia, where he had also incited murder. Not far from his residence, there was a monastery named Gorrion— a foundation for the order of barefoot monks. A quarter of a mile away, Dracula met the father superior walking with his monks. They had, for a time, collected alms in the villages. They had just come together, one with the other. Now, listen to the trickery of the villainous man! This superior was named Brother Hans; the second was called Brother Michael; Brother Jacob was the third. Dracula called quickly to Michael, saying: “Monk, come over here quickly. And don’t delay!” Brother Michael came over to him. Dracula asked him whether he yet was convinced and sure that Dracula could be saved, notwithstanding the monk’s awareness of the host of people to be seen in Heaven— all the people that Dracula had slain. One was to pray assiduously for him to God with imploration and pleading— inasmuch as he had created many saints and had sent many to Heaven. In fact, there could be no doubt that he believed himself to be the holiest man that a mother had ever given birth to.


For this, there could be no disproof. Brother Michael said: “Sire, you may well find mercy, since God has granted grace to many a man appearing to be far from favor.” And Brother Hans, the guardian, Dracula also asked to come quickly, saying: “Brother Monk, now tell me, what do you think will be my fate?” The monk answered: “Great pain and woe and miserable lamentation will, for you, be never ending because, wretched despot, so much innocent blood had been spilled and shed by your hands. Unless Satan refuses you, you will fully be his, up to your arm-pits in perdition. I know full well that I must perish for these pronouncements— by reason only of this discord and defamation. I hence ask for this chance to finish saying what I have to say.” Dracula responded: “Talk all you want! I shall not hasten you; your neck is on the line, after all!” The monk spoke: “You worthless devil, you pitiless murderer! You raging, frightful despot! You spiller-of-blood and tyrant! How you torture poor souls! What harm have pregnant women done to deserve impalement? What did the little children ever do to you that you would take away their lives— some being three days old; some not yet three hours old? These you command to be impaled, though no one has done you ill. And you pour forth the blood of the innocents. What is the crime of those who have lost their lives, whose pure and tender blood you spill prodigiously without cause? Your murderous enmity amazes me. What is it that you are avenging? This you should make clear to me.” Dracula said: “This I shall tell you straight away. He who wishes to clear the ground for plowing should start things off properly. This means not only cutting down thorns and weeds that have grown up, but paying heed to their roots. For, if the roots are left behind, in a year one will again find rude, malevolent thorns. In these little children here, I would have created the gravest enemies, had I let them grow to adulthood. No, I wish to weed them out now, before they sprout roots. Surely they would resolve to avenge their fathers." The monk spoke: “Wicked despot, do you think that you ever, and forever, shall live? Now, take heed of the blood of innocents that you have made flow in this place. The whole of these will rise up before God in Heaven and shout out for vengeance. You dumb fool and simpleton: down deep, you are like a Tartar!” Dracula grabbed the monk without delay and began to impale him himself— but not like the others. The others got the pole from the rear end, but this time he changed the place of impalement. One pole Dracula himself hammered into his brain. The monk’s head was at the bottom, and his feet were facing upwards. Dracula set the stake in front of the monastery. This frightened the poor monks greatly. They feared for their lives. Some abandoned the place Brother Jacob, whom I previously mentioned, traveled with ferrymen to Styria. He went, in Neustadt, near the court of our lord, the emperor, to a monastery as soon as he could. I, myself, Michel Beheim, often visited this monk. He told me about much wickedness that Dracula, the ruler, had wrought. I have only versified for you a little concerning this good-for-nothing. Yet more regarding his malicious behavior and knavery I have to tell. There are so many evil actions— more than has been told. Around 300 Gypsies came into Dracula’s land. Now listen to what happened! Dracula, in Wallachia, selected the three most notable among them and had them roasted. And the other Gypsies were forced to eat them all up— every person in the group, whether large or small. Dracula spoke: “Now must each devour the other, from the smallest to the largest, until you all are eaten up— unless, you immediately carry out my wishes and move against the Turks.” They said: “Gracious sir, this distance is not too great for us. We will do as you wish.” Dracula then took hides of cattle, using these to conceal the steeds and riders of the group of Gypsies. He then had them travel forth. The Turks went out to meet them. They met each other, and when the heathen’s horses heard the commotion and saw the cowhide on horse and man, they shied away and fled. The Turks had to follow, not able to hold them back. They raced, in haste, toward water and the Gypsies pursued them into the watery depths. All the heathens drowned because their horses had brought them there. On their mounts, every last heathen went under the water. The ill, blind, disabled, lame, beggars, poor people, and anyone that Dracula could lay hold of: all these he invited to his castle. When the banquet was concluded, he had all present burned to death in a derelict barn. He said: “These people have no value.” There were 600 or more— but no survivors! Some Italians, so I am told, were sent to him as ambassadors. When they arrived, their hats and hoods they removed before the ruler— as I have learned. Under his hat each man wore a beret, a little skullcap, that he did not remove— as is the Italian custom. Dracula asked about this practice, what its sense and meaning might be, namely that they had removed hoods— hats, too. But had left the little berets on their heads. They explained: “To do this is our wont. Even in the presence of the Emperor we never remove the beret— in no wise.” Dracula said: “Your practice I wish to make a peculiar right and to confirm it.” They thanked him effusively and said: “Most esteemed lord, of your gracious behavior we shall try to prove worthy. Since you show us such favor, we shall proclaim your praises, turning away from you never.” The fanatical despot, tyrant, and murderer proceeded to take strong nails made of iron and had them all around— you had better believe this!— nailed into the berets on their heads. So that they neither could remove them, nor have these fall off. Thus, he affirmed their custom. This kind of inclination always guided his actions. The evil deeds that he was able to think of and, in many ways brought to fruition, were so many in number and of such magnitude that I would be hard-pressed to comprehend them. For this reason, here I wish to attempt to mention them and to let that suffice. Whoever was capable of conceiving the heights of wickedness, that person was his most trusted adviser. He exercised political authority with the worst sort of thugs that one might find on the earth. These he held in the highest regard. No matter where they came from— be it Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, or the land of the Tartars— he received them with open arms. His courtly custom was pure wildness. Rare to find there dignity, honor, and good breeding. His rule was monstrous; it was the image of evil. His servants and his courtly retinue were so disloyal, pernicious, and false in all things that no-one ever— at any time— could trust the other. They harbored no community, for they had many customs and spoke all kinds of languages. They were a conglomeration of peoples. From many a land, they had ridden to his court. This is why one cannot speak of any inclination to be mindful of Dracula’s conduct— lack of unity or accord was the cause. His vices and wantonness, these would not have so long endured, had there not been disunity and discord— as I have now sung to you. He had committed many a wicked deed against God, reputation, and justice. As I sang to you before, Dracula had done the Turk ill with his tricks. The Sultan, motivated very much by anger and impatience, directed thoughts of ill-will toward Dracula, wondering how he might avenge himself He, motivated very much by anger and impatience, directed thoughts of ill-will toward Dracula, wondering how he might avenge himself To go against an army of this size would be useless. No resistance was possible. The Turk would take the upper hand and remove him from the throne. “I shall try, if possible, to appeal to the Sultan’s mercy and good will.” These were the thoughts of this dreadful man. At once, he sent tidings to this very heathen. To the ruler of the Turks he let it be known: if the Sultan would offer him mercy, forgiving past actions, maltreatment, and harm that Dracula had committed, then Dracula wished to make amends and to give restitution for everything. In addition, King Matthias, ruler of Hungary, and his most excellent counselors Dracula would summon, lay hold of, and place in his hands. The Turk responded to him that, if he did this, he would be forgiven for past wrongs— thus wiping the slate clean.


Dracula was to warrant the same, write, seal, and send the pledge. The Turk was overjoyed to have this agreed to, because he had no greater enemy than Matthias in all of Christendom. Concerning this matter, Dracula formulated a plan, what might be best to do, so that things would take place as conceived. Without losing any time he wrote to the Hungarian king that this monarch, in actions against the Turk, should come at lightning speed to his aid, because in such peril there was no-one who might better come to his rescue. There was no soul in the whole world to call on. Since he was his servant, his liegeman, and vassal, Matthias certainly wished neither to leave his servitor in the lurch nor to allow the Hungarian crown to be severed from association with Wallachia. The King of Hungary gathered a great force and set out thence. He left the city of Buda with his army, taking the shortest path to Kronstadt in Siebenbürgen. He was accompanied by many counts, barons, lords, knights, and squires. Pageantry, abounding in sound, was manifest in that place. And Dracula, too, came, bringing a large company with him. Five weeks or longer, they remained together. During this time, the king had learned of the underhanded crime and murderous treason that Dracula had put in readiness in Turkey with the heathen. The King of Hungary pretended that he did not know the extent of these things. With regard to Dracula the ruler, King Matthias had laid his own snares. They made plans to depart from the place to bring this Turk woe. They passed first through Wallachia then proceeded toward Turkey— onward to the wicked heathen. They went together. With them journeyed many a brave man— in both armies. They traveled awhile from the place that I mentioned before to Wallachia They had gone perhaps six miles. Dracula believed that he was home, since they were near a castle called Königstein. At that place Dracula was set upon by a lord, liegeman of the king. He was known far and wide: Jan Giskra, he was called, he who first approached Dracula, arresting and taking him prisoner. Dracula the cowardly one. In Wallachia, his land, Dracula was shackled and kept under restraint. This was done in Wallachia because he was there bereft of both this king’s safe conduct and protection, being outside Matthias’ area of administration. In Hungary, Dracula was delivered over to the king and conducted to a castle called Visegrád. He has been incarcerated since then.



Anatomy of the Heads are:
Michael van Gore - Strings of Blood
Heidenreich - Mutilation
Mr. Fishman - Dismemberment


Additional Personnel:
Eka Aisha Supalihwa - Mix Engineer
Cokro Chongkun - Recording Engineer
??? - The Shape


Unholy Spirits Light Divine was revealed in a dream during the winter of 2021 and recorded at Burzenland Studios, Germany.

Mixed and Mastered at KRACH. Produced by Anatomy of the Heads. For more information, visit www.aoftheh.com